Tuesday, 21 October 2008

It's the way they think we care

I'm probably not supposed to like this, but the news that atheists are going to advertise on buses strikes me as brilliant. Following friends on facebook, it appears they are going to raise a fortune, suggesting they might be able to do this all year. Good for them - should be fun, much better than those amateurish Jesus posters and the tedious ones for 'philosophy' lessons on the tube.

But, though it will be fun, I cannot see what it's going to achieve. The Christian ones are bad enough, but they are at least pointing people to scripture which is vaguely interesting. This is just going to be funny. Maybe we should be funny too (I've long argued that God has a sense of humour), but this isn't going to make people think, it will make clever people laugh at other people (mostly stupid ones). And while I'm all for that, I'm not sure it gets you the moral high ground.

I am however annoyed that Dawkins has started using the word anathema - that's our word. Perhaps if we stopped pretending we can prove God's existence, he could not use nice religious words.

1 comment:

Andrew Murray said...

They have done impressively well actually - raising nearly £60k at time of writing. It's actually a good thing I suspect - it encourages people to think and may even nudge a few lapsed believers into going back to chuch.

I wonder if they will follow it up with a similar campaign in December saying "There's probably no Father Christmas..."