Monday, 1 December 2008

Bibliography, November 2008

Bought / recieved (17)
R. Benaud, My spin on cricket
M. Bywater, Big Babies
W. Goldman, The princess Bride
N. Gordimer, Writing and being
S. Jordison, The joy of Sects
D. Lessing, Shikastra
S. Leys, The wreck of the Batavia
D. Lodge, Small World
A. Powell, The Valley of Bones
A. Powell, The Soldier's Art
A. Powell, The Military philosophers
A. Powell, Books do furnish a room
A. Powell, Temporary Kings
A. Powell, Hearing secret harmonies
C. Rossant, Return to Paris
J. Tiptree, Her smoke rose up together
S.J. Taylor, The reluctant Press Lord

Books read
I. Asimov, Foundation
S. Brook, The double eagle
A. Cobban, A history of modern France, vol. 2.1799-1871
T. Heyendahl, The Ra expeditions
D. Lessing, Shikastra
D. Lodge, Small World
A. Powell, The Acceptance world
I. Szerb, The Pendragon legend
M. Tully, India in slow motion

I'm really failing in my ability to make inroads into the unread pile, but it is worth noting that nine of them were Powell, and they were due to be bough in the next six months anyway.

BOTM was The Pendragon legend, which was lent to me by a friend of Anna's who, gloriously, is more anal than me about books and inscribes in them his name and date of acquisition. Anyway, it's very easy to read, rolls along excitingly, and really shows up all the more modern (it was written in the 1930s) grail and secret history novels.

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