Saturday, 2 January 2010

Bibliography, December 2009

Acquired (2)
B.Frindell, the collected 'Ask Bearders'

Read (12)
BOTM: G. Greene, The ministry of Fear

C. Bielenberg, The Past is myself
E. Durkheim, The Elementary forms of religious life
B.Frindell, the collected 'Ask Bearders'
B. Howkins, Rich, Rare and Red
D. Morgan, Lambeth Speaks
L. Sage, Bad Blood
M.A. Smith, The Church under Siege
J. Updike, Rabbit, Run
J. Updike, Rabbit Redux
J. Updike, Rabbit Is Rich
A. Walker, The Colour Purple

Quite a few contenders this month - the Colour Purple was nowhere near as bad as I had feared; Updike good, if not as good as many have said it is; and Lorna Sage's memoir engaging, but simply not as heart rending as it promised. The war produced the best stuff though: Bielenberg almost did it, but Greene's was inevitably better: a real romp through the world of suspicion and terror that attended the war here and totalitarian regimes elsewhere. Greene the BOTM twice in a row.

Note though the regime of not buying did filter through at Christmas. Only one non-reference book received. (I did also get Wisden and a cookbook on cakes)

I'll do Book of the year in a separate post.

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