Monday, 1 February 2010

Bring back Maggie

TUC on the radio this morning seem to be doing their best to remind everyone why we must never let the Unions near power again. Ever.

Here it is. In summary, a perfectly sensible woman from KCL has written a report on whether national pay bargaining is a good idea. I've no idea if it is or not; may be rubbish, but the whole thing was met by a ranting delusioinal ad hominem attack from the TUC's rep Sarah Veale, which was inappropriate, and in most cases, drivel. I can't be bothered to argue with all her points but here are a couple of the worst ones :
  • Trade Unions create jobs; and keep wages high. I suggest they cannot do both, certainly not in a contracting public sector which needs to cut close to £200bn from the annual payroll. I think all you need to work that out is multiplication; maybe she can't do that.
  • There's more, but I'm busy
  • Most importantly, we already have this, through London weighting, Sarah Veale appears not to know about this, as she thinks nurses get paid the same in Newcastle and London (see 2.56. The scale for London weighting is here. As Ms Veale advises the TUC on employment, she probably ought to have read it)
Idiot woman. Anathema indeed

Also, there is an amusing slip of the tongue at the start when John Humphries tells us the South is cheaper than the North at the start

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