Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Bibliography, July 2012

Read: 8
BOTM: P.G. Wodehouse, Uncle Fred in the Springtime 

P. Hamilton, Hangover Square
G.Garcia Marquez, In Evil Hour*
G.Garcia Marquez, One hundred years of solitude*
G.Garcia Marquez, Autumn of the Patriarch*
G.R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords
M. Smith, Not in my day, Sir
K. Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse Five

In honour of the fact that Garcia Marquez cannot write any more, I'm rereading his novels. Love in a Time of Cholera coming next month. They are wonderful, though I suspect you get more out of them if you have any kind of passing acquaintance with Colombian history. I don't, and I really felt that lack this time. No such  issue with Wodehouse, not least because there's little history required, but also because I'd know it. I've been waiting to give BOTM to him for over a year now, and I think this one merits it, chiefly because of the disreputable figure of Uncle Fred, who may just be my favourite Wodehousian creation yet, not least because of the terror he induces in the younger generation. The plot - as ever - absurd; the writing - as ever -  perfect.

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