Wednesday, 18 June 2008

NH Yes

As I mentioned earlier, I am now a card carrying member of the Conservatives once more, after some years in self-imposed exile over a disagreement on immigration (not the same disagreement that the BNP have with them though). I'm quite pleased to be back and it does make it all more exciting, but the excitement is beginning to pall.

Firstly, they don't leave me alone. I would expect this at a general election, though that does sometimes backfire.* But I get emails all the time now - seven in June alone, mostly telling me to watch Cameron Direct. I ignore them, obviously, but it doesn't make me keen to campaign.

More concerningly, it's all so embarassing. In my welcome letter they sent a mailing that protested against cards (with a membership card attached) and ran through various campaigns. Of these, I'd like to draw people's attention to their NHS campaign (I know, there's a report out now, but I'm not that interested). I'm sure it's very worthy, but really, NH Yes.

Please stop it, rubbish rhymes do not policy make.

* In 2001, just before the election before last, I was rung up by CCO to try to get me to campaign; when I protested I was busy with my full time job, the man on the end of the phone did say (and I paraphrase, but it's pretty close), "yes that's our problem, our members have jobs; not like the gypos on the other side. " This was the beginning of my disillusion with the party at the time

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