Tuesday 17 July 2018

Bibliography, June 2018

BOTM: P. Mathiessen, The tree where man was born (1972)

K. Blixen, Out of Africa (1937)
C. Cornelius, A history of the East African Coast (2014)
A. Huxley, Grey Eminence (1941) 
P. Lively, A house unlocked (2001)
P. Mathiessen, Sand rivers (1981)
P. Mathiessen, African silences (1991)
D. Moyo, Dead Aid (2009)

Before we dive into the rest, people should know that Dead Aid is one of the worst books I have read. The analysis is terrible and though its not written quite so badly, it's written pretty badly. If that's the state of the criticism of Aid, there's nothing to see there.

Mixed bag on the rest. A very much liked Lively's memoir, but I think Mathiessen's was a more substantial output. I read them as a collected trilogy, and the editing favoured the first one. As a whole, they were good, though not excellent. Some of the writing was dense, but continually fascinating. I left desperate for an update, which will sadly have to come from someone else. 

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